
Client : Nano Marketing

Category : Visual identity  • Website

Year : 2024

Redesign of the brand image for a micro-agency specialized in digital marketing.

A choice of two complementary typefaces highlights the duality omnipresent in the brand identity. The script typeface, acting as logotype, represents the human and personal side of their approach. Contrasted with a sans serif typeface and a color inspired by the digital universe, the identity is completed with a system of wireframes composed of a rounded corner, designed to hierarchize information.

Whether it's the name of the company, resulting from the breakdown of the first names of the two founders, Christina and Noémie, or their double-sided business card containing the contact details of the two members, the concept of duality is at the heart of the identity.

The graphic identity has been translated into a showcase website, created to highlight the projects accomplished by the team over the past two years.