Youth zone at
Saint-Pierre library

Client : NOS Architectes • Bibliothèque Saint-Pierre • Bureau du design de Montréal

Collaborators : NOS Architects • Atelier Gris

Category : Narrative layout • Spatial planning

Year : 2023

Article Design Montréal

As part of the 'Biblio.Test: Laboratoire en design de services Public pour des bibliothèques plus résilientes' project, Superwise took part in the development of a youth zone at the Saint-Pierre library in the city of Lachine.

With the aim of increasing the attractiveness of this section of the library, Superwise's intervention took the form of a functional, narrative graphic spaces to enhance a variety of modules designed to promote book reading among young visitors. A contrasting monochrome palette was deployed on a large, free-form mural. A hanging system integrated into the mural was designed to accommodate self-service seating for a multi-functional stage.

With a focus on sustainable development, existing shelves were outfitted and incorporated into the new layout proposed by the architects.